On this third anniversary of Wolf’s passing I thought I should share a personal story of Wolf’s lasting influence on someone.
Back in March 2006 my brother and his family came to visit us and naturally we took them to visit Wolf. We only stayed a few hours but Wolf regaled us with stories of Dojos and other anecdotes and found a pair of martial arts practice batons that my nephews Harry and Peter happily used to good effect ( as can be seen briefly in the Memorial Video ).
Last year when visiting my family, my nephew Harry showed us a series of models he was working on of people who had been an influence on his life. One of the models was of Wolf.
Harry Forward with his Wolf model in the foreground, still a work in progress.
Although they only met briefly Wolf left a deep and lasting impression on Harry:
“Every time he's spoken of or mentioned I learn more and more what an amazing, strong and loving person he was and it makes me so happy to have met him.”
I think we can all agree on that.
The finished Wolf model, now on our mantlepiece. We think Wolf would have loved it. Harry told me he made it entirely from memory, without referring to any photos.